# of residents: 44 (New babies: Marcus Gwill)
# of households: 38
# of houses (taxpayers): 7# of "community lots": 3 (New addition: Town Hall)
# of burglaries: 1
Population: 86 (Population multiplier = 2)
Unlocked careers (# of positions taken / # of positions available):
- Architect (0/1)
- Politics (3/1): Annan Kofi, Barack Obama, Fair Light
Outstanding loans:
- Motoki: $11,600 (10%/yr)
- Eevilcat: $23,650 (10%/yr)
- Marriage: Inge and Myskaal
- Steady: Eevilcat and Fway, BastDawn and Jolrei.
- Stalkers: Rohina (on Kutto)
- Tax income: $1,629 (Last year: $720)
- Civic expenditures: $1,443
- Current funds level: $421 (Last year: $506)