Wednesday, July 20, 2011

TR II: Year 6

The baby problem is finally over.

It's a "miracle" that Alice got pregnant because she's at the register 24/7. But both she and Zucabr gained a point of kama simtra, so it looks like real deal.

Friday, July 15, 2011

TR II: Year 5 ( + TR BACC rules)

OMG, babies finally! 

Could this baby be Rhayden's, from that "one night stand" in Year 1??? I swear I heard the jingle. But Gwill is only pregnant for 10 hours. It can't be Ryhayden's, can it? Anyway, it's already more than a ONS. Gwill has romantice feelings for Rhayden (and Kutto too). I don't think feelings can be one-sided in TS3, can they?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

TR II: Year 4

It turns out Eevilcat doesn't get any money if she sells the salads at Motoki's, she has to own a lot, her own food stand.

So Eevilcat's All Natural Salads is not just a supplier, but a storefront now. Eevilcat hired friend Alice Anon for $16/day.

Friday, July 8, 2011

TR II: Year 2

Rolled Invisi Goth.

As she walked by Tom Cruise's (from MTS but without CC) tent, she wanted to flirt with him, so I "let" her.

Friday, July 1, 2011

TR II: Year 1 End


Nothing happened. Lei hurried home, she's just too hungry. Or maybe AwesomeMod works differently from NRaas SP? 

(I decided to keep playing this version of Twinbrook Redux (TR). What's different in this version from the last (TR I) is that NPCs are now excluded from all stories. So the pairings will be among the original settlers, except for the tax man, hopefully. I revised the titles of the posts to separate TR II from TR I.)

Rolled again, and it's Annan Kofi this time. The mailbox and trashcan are hidden in the off-lot giant rock (and the off-lot tree for the next lot). She's $105 in the debt because of court fees. That means she was in a fight. Given that she is a follower of the "Town Harpy" Rohina, I'm not surprised.