Wednesday, June 29, 2011

TR II: Back to NRaas Story Progression

Pescado is aware of the EA 500 bug now, but it's still not fixed, so I'm back to NRaas Story Progression for now. Also I narrowed further down to the Expanded component of the SP to be the one preventing autonomous collecting scraps, so I left it out and hope the functions I normally use are not affected. Ani updated the shop mod, and online banking mod is also a new version. Yeah!

So let's resume.

Trixie became the first stylist. I don't know, all he does all day is evil laugh and rubbing two hands together. What kind of evil plans does he have in mind?

The game generated an NPC named "Sugar Free", that's funny. And she's a "Dancer". I didn't even know there's a dancer NPC. Too bad I'm not involving NPCs in story progression in this game.

I installed "Meanies" of the NRaas SP Personalities, and Fairlight became the "Town Thug". Before long, he found his first victim and shook down Ellatrue for $19, leaving her $11 (which is not too bad I have to say, it could be worse). Too bad there's no animation.  I wanted to have some villains in my game who make a living out of bullying other sims. I don't think there's a mod yet to actively take one sim to beat up other sims for money, and the "Meanies" is the next best thing. I know the investigator career can blackmail other sims, but I haven't played it that long, and don't know how much they can extort. If it's around $500, most of my sims can't afford that right now. Plus, it comes with free money in the form of weekly stipend. So I'm not ready to have that in my game yet. I'd like to also use the "Cops and Robbers" Personalities, but the last time I tried, limiting the extortion amounts within $100 didn't seem to work, so I left it out ATM.

Since I exited without saving last time, I made Snow Bawl and Rohina writers with MC, and want to see if they will be pushed to write. From the first game, I don't think NRaas SP makes them writers, at least not very quickly.

I also decided to randomly roll a sim to play each day if I don't have anything else to do, as I still play Motoki at the same time to work on the food supply, because my sims walk everywhere and it's taking a LONG time for them to get anywhere. So the first sim I rolled is: Zucabr.

I immediately took him to collect scraps. He already had a wish to meet Lei, who just ran past him in the above pic. Neat! He also wants to be an architect and learn guitar skills. I locked them down, but I don't know if he can fulfill them any time soon.

It just so happened that Fway was throwing a party, and he lives next to the junk yard, so Zucabr crashed his party, which has no guests whatsoever. I was notified that Fway asked Zucabr to leave, but nothing happened, so I had Zucabr wake him up from inside the tent and politely introduce himself to the party host, and everything went well from there. It doesn't hurt to make a friend when you can.

Look, who just walked into the junk yard? It's Lei! (Although it's actually the next day, I was still so thrilled.) Of course Zucabar wouldn't miss this opportunity to meet the impressive girl he caught a glimpse of the previous day.

And he had the want to ask about her sign. Ani in her blog said the want to ask about sign is a very significant indicator of romantic interest. So I was very excited, and guess what, their signs are compatible! Although I don't have much experience with the significance of asking about sign, I do know compatible signs are not that easy to come by.

(To be continued.)

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