Wednesday, June 8, 2011

TR I: Year 3

Melisa Bawl becomes a toddler.

She often has to watch her mom rummaging the trash can.

While Snow Bawl argues with her own shadow, Myskaal (autonomously) teaches little Melisa to talk, about the evilness of rabbit hole careers.

Alice Nakamura had a baby boy named Jody. The baby daddy is the service NPC repairman. They remained boyfriend-girlfriend, so he's definitely not moving in.

Dark Trepie assaults Jelenedra in the junk yard; all she sees are stars.

...before his newly-wedded service policewoman wife shows up for the photo op. We have to put up with NPC's attires before we have a stylist.  I'm not moving her in. I want to see what SP's gonna do about that.

With a bun in the oven, Zazazu married the pizza deliverer. She hasn't made any money all this time, and she wants to be a stylist. So I'd like her to be the stylist, but apparently I have to have a salon lot first.

He seems...insane.

Ta-dah.....although Zazazu is the reason I built the salon, I'll play Motoki for now until someone takes the stylist job. I hope it's Zazazu.

First Shack (based on the starter shack #1 from here) by Lorelei. It's really the bare minimum and costs $3200 without toilet and shower, but Lorelei can afford both!

Well it's Sunday again, so that's Year 3. I opened up the fishing park in the swamp area, and I don't think anybody fished there, or anywhere else. I have to do something about that.

End of Year 3 statistics:
# of residents: 43 (New addition: Jody Nakamura)
# of houses: 1
# of "real" community lots: 4 (junk yard, food truck/salon, Motoki's vegetable stand, fishing park)
Outstanding loans:
-Motoki: $15,925 (7%)

Next time: Year 4, goals:
- Find a fisherman
- Find a stylist
- Find a painter
- Find a writer
- Fina an architect

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