Tuesday, June 7, 2011

TR I: Year 2

Year 2 is really week 2, because one week is one year in my game, and the life expectancy is 70 years, or 490 days. No Generations/patch 1.22 yet.

So, by the end of Year 2, with Twallan's SP and Careers, and no career rabbit holes, we have one repair woman, Inge; one photographer, Bast Dawn; and two Buskers, Eevilcat and jfade's wife (formerly social worker) Beatrice. Inge has been fixing toilets, so she gets by nicely. But Bast Dawn, Eevilcat, and the Fade household don't have enough money to buy camera or guitar. Even worse, Eevilcat apparently was arrested twice, and I don't know when, where and how. (Each arrest costs them $100 court fees, through Twallan's SP.)

And we have 9 collectors, who usually do very well, since the SP can push them collect while they are deep in the red.

It looks like except for the first one, everyone here is a MATY sim. Madame Mim has made money from collectibles, it's just that I gave her the "writer" career since that's what she wanted. But then she's too red after collecting I rarely could make her write, so I just recently switched her to "collector".

And of course we have one gardener/grocer, Motoki, and he has one employee, jfade. By the way, jfade has "earned" a hefty raise to make $24/day, and he really is not working 8 hours a day. By the time he gets to the store all the way from the swamp, it's usually past noon.

I'm also waiting for a fisherman to emerge. But so far there's no autonomous fishing. I know after they've gained a fishing skill, they will autonomously fish. I'll start to look among the ones who have made no money at all.

I'm not sure what my policy should be about marriages and move-ins. When jfade married an NPC, I moved her in, since the notification kept coming about how they couldn't find an affordable house (which is true). I also moved Snowbawl and Myskaal together when they got married by the SP because they would never move in together on their own since neither of them had a bed and/or a crib. Now three more couples have been made by the SP and all of them involve a service NPC. I like to have some varieties from NPCs other than my hand picked sims, but then I really don't care about NPCs. So maybe I should turn off NPC in the SP, I'm not sure. But for now, I'm not moving in NPCs right after marriages. I (secretly) hope they might split later on. Do they do that?

Ok, enough with the summary update.

This computer in Juan's Pick 'n Pull Junk Yard is where they open their bank account. No autonomous computer games/chat etc. mod(s) is a must, IMO. Strangely nobody has been pushed to come here and write novels by the SP, in this game and previous games. Maybe it's not supposed to, this being a junk yard. Here I have Myskaal come and prepare a platter of salad after he autonomously bought a lettuce from Motoki's vegetables stand. I have previously placed a fridge so they can come here to make salad since they can't at home. I have NoAutonomousCookingOrQuickMeals so there is no free lunch. He would then call his wife, Snow Bawl, to bring their new born daughter (first new born in this game) over and eat something nice in a long time (like never). Snow Bawl, by the way, is unselectable because she's insane (Ani_'s idea) with Twallan's Master Controller. I also make married-in former service NPCs unselectable. In the back, you can see the young Inge is calling Gwill a llama.

It turns out Myskaal can't invite his wife over on the phone, since she's in the same household. So he had to go back home and "form group" with her, and bring her and the baby over. Luckily, they live right next to the junk yard.

Kutto, who was digging outside, heard the baby cry so he came over to play with the baby. And Myskaal is very worried. I'm very happy they could carry the baby over to a community lot.

Snow Bawl is actually a pretty good mother.

I'm so tempted to half the speed with Twallan's Relativity. I used it in previous games and it's pretty realistic. But I think I'll stick around with the normal speed a little longer, until most of them move into real houses.

End of Year 2 statistics:
# of residents: 42 (New additions: Beatrice Fade, Melisa Bawl)
# of houses: 0
# of "real" community lots: 3 (junk yard, food truck, Motoki's vegetable stand)
(I just remembered I should open up the fishing spot community lot in the swamp area. Maybe they will start to fish there.)

I decided to blog near the end of Year 2, so not many game play screenshots.

Next: Year 3.

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