Saturday, August 20, 2011

TR II: Year 7

End of Year 7 tally:

# of residents: 44 (New babies: Marcus Gwill)
# of households: 38
# of houses (taxpayers): 7
# of "community lots": 3 (New addition: Town Hall)
# of burglaries: 1
Population: 86 (Population multiplier = 2)
Unlocked careers (# of positions taken / # of positions available):
    - Architect (0/1)
    - Politics (3/1): Annan Kofi, Barack Obama, Fair Light
Outstanding loans:
    - Motoki: $11,600 (10%/yr)
    - Eevilcat: $23,650 (10%/yr)
    - Marriage: Inge and Myskaal
    - Steady: Eevilcat and Fway, BastDawn and Jolrei.
    - Stalkers: Rohina (on Kutto)
    - Tax income: $1,629 (Last year: $720)
    - Civic expenditures: $1,443
    - Current funds level: $421 (Last year: $506)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

TR II: Year 6

The baby problem is finally over.

It's a "miracle" that Alice got pregnant because she's at the register 24/7. But both she and Zucabr gained a point of kama simtra, so it looks like real deal.

Friday, July 15, 2011

TR II: Year 5 ( + TR BACC rules)

OMG, babies finally! 

Could this baby be Rhayden's, from that "one night stand" in Year 1??? I swear I heard the jingle. But Gwill is only pregnant for 10 hours. It can't be Ryhayden's, can it? Anyway, it's already more than a ONS. Gwill has romantice feelings for Rhayden (and Kutto too). I don't think feelings can be one-sided in TS3, can they?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

TR II: Year 4

It turns out Eevilcat doesn't get any money if she sells the salads at Motoki's, she has to own a lot, her own food stand.

So Eevilcat's All Natural Salads is not just a supplier, but a storefront now. Eevilcat hired friend Alice Anon for $16/day.

Friday, July 8, 2011

TR II: Year 2

Rolled Invisi Goth.

As she walked by Tom Cruise's (from MTS but without CC) tent, she wanted to flirt with him, so I "let" her.

Friday, July 1, 2011

TR II: Year 1 End


Nothing happened. Lei hurried home, she's just too hungry. Or maybe AwesomeMod works differently from NRaas SP? 

(I decided to keep playing this version of Twinbrook Redux (TR). What's different in this version from the last (TR I) is that NPCs are now excluded from all stories. So the pairings will be among the original settlers, except for the tax man, hopefully. I revised the titles of the posts to separate TR II from TR I.)

Rolled again, and it's Annan Kofi this time. The mailbox and trashcan are hidden in the off-lot giant rock (and the off-lot tree for the next lot). She's $105 in the debt because of court fees. That means she was in a fight. Given that she is a follower of the "Town Harpy" Rohina, I'm not surprised.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

TR II: Back to NRaas Story Progression

Pescado is aware of the EA 500 bug now, but it's still not fixed, so I'm back to NRaas Story Progression for now. Also I narrowed further down to the Expanded component of the SP to be the one preventing autonomous collecting scraps, so I left it out and hope the functions I normally use are not affected. Ani updated the shop mod, and online banking mod is also a new version. Yeah!

So let's resume.

Trixie became the first stylist. I don't know, all he does all day is evil laugh and rubbing two hands together. What kind of evil plans does he have in mind?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

TR II: Playing without NRaas Story Progression

Most mods have been updated for Generations, but somehow I still have the "dig through" not collecting scraps problem, and it's clear to me it's Twallan's Story Progression after many tests. But Twallan says it's working in his game, so I really don't know what to do now. Collecting scraps is a major source of income for most of my Twinbrook Redux denizens, but I rely on NRaas SP for recurring money transfer to pay employee wages and collect taxes, and to keep my "tax man" out of story progression. I haven't played without NRaas SP for a long time, but I decide to try and see how it goes with just Awesome SP. If somebody can make a recurring money transfer mod, it will be great.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Upgrading to Generations

I had been resisting getting Generations, but finally I gave in. Lo and behold, it fixed the no collecting scraps problem. Yay! I'm a very happy camper.

Giving flowers is cute. My sim was in the central park, and her boyfriend who lives in another household came over to give her flowers. Very nice. But I see it could go overboard. A couple next to them were doing it over and over (well, just twice for the short time my sim was there).

Putting the flowers on the kitchen table. I think the date flowers from TS2 looked so much better than this. :(

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

TR I: Year 4 (Part I)

Party time!

She barely knew them, but they were all the (positive) contacts she had, and both gladly accepted the party invite. Who would refuse the free autumn salad and a chance to be invited to the first shack in the neighborhood?

TR I: Year 3

Melisa Bawl becomes a toddler.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

TR I: Year 2

Year 2 is really week 2, because one week is one year in my game, and the life expectancy is 70 years, or 490 days. No Generations/patch 1.22 yet.

So, by the end of Year 2, with Twallan's SP and Careers, and no career rabbit holes, we have one repair woman, Inge; one photographer, Bast Dawn; and two Buskers, Eevilcat and jfade's wife (formerly social worker) Beatrice. Inge has been fixing toilets, so she gets by nicely. But Bast Dawn, Eevilcat, and the Fade household don't have enough money to buy camera or guitar. Even worse, Eevilcat apparently was arrested twice, and I don't know when, where and how. (Each arrest costs them $100 court fees, through Twallan's SP.)

And we have 9 collectors, who usually do very well, since the SP can push them collect while they are deep in the red.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Welcom to Twinbrook Redux (TR I)

I've always been drawn to "unconventional" play styles (a perfect example is Ingeli's Windlebridge for The Sims 2). Legacy just doesn't do it for me. With The Sims 3, a lot of us are torn. On the one hand, the rabbit holes and the lack of OFB elements are kind of a deal breaker for anyone who attempts the so-called "integrated economy" gameplay; on the other, the open neighborhood and the graphics (create-a-style, and water effects and such) are really hard to give up. But coming back to TS3 after a long break, I've found this is already changing with the help of many mods, so I can play the game the way I wanted, more or less.

So, welcome to Twinbrook Redux...

...where everybody starts with nothing, but a tent.